General Policies

 | Post date: 2017/12/17 | 

Goals and Policies

Short-term Objectives:

- To write academic papers for the national and international journals and presenting the papers in conferences and seminars.

- To contract research projects in line with the specializations of the institute with the state and private sectors and organizations.

- To publishing scientific journals both in English and Persian language.

- To run national and international academic congress.

- To run workshops in the applied areas of education, psychology, and social sciences.

- To Act as Referee for the scientific and professional journals.

- To Communicate and interact academic information between academic members in different research departments with other faculties, research institutes, and research centers.

Medium-term Objectives:

- To run applied research in the areas of education, psychology, and social sciences.

- To Accentuate on running Fundamental research in order to come up with practice from theory.

- To emphasize on multidisciplinary studies.

- To Do outreach activities (collaborative research projects).

- To presenting training package through applied research and studies.

- To promulgating and reinforcing the spirit of research and developing research groundwork.

- To expand human resources knowledge, insight, and skills in organizations through providing and publishing practical training packages.

- To creating the needful database for the IEPSR.

- To providing formal and informal training for the governmental and non-governmental organizations in the areas of education, psychology, and social sciences.

- To publish a series of booklets about research methodology in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

Long-term Objectives:

- To develop fundamental and applied research in psychological, sociological, and educational studies.

- To expand mutual interdisciplinary research collaboration using total capacities of other Universities in Iran.

- To develop the culture of science production and localizing the outcomes ,and transferring the knowledge in different academic institutes and organizations.

- To implement the research outcomes through dynamic and constructive interactions with local, regional, and international research and academic centers.

- To run training and academic workshops, and academic gathering at university, national, and international levels and launching applied disciplines related to the IESPE's departments.

- To provide an opportunity for interacting the reflections of elites and connoisseurs, and researchers in different study areas of psychology, sociology and education.

- To assess the educational needs of organizations and educating the required specialists at PhD and Postdoctoral levels.

- To invite faculty members, researchers, and talented students.

- To hold collaborative courses, national and international conferences, and academic workshops.

- To empowering managers in different organizations through expanding the professional trainings.

General Policies

- Extending basic and applied research projects and implementing the results in improving and developing the society.

- Developing educational research by collaborating other educational, Psychological, and social institutes.

- Providing an appropriate context for publishing books, translation, generating papers and publishing research reports and producing instructional materials.

- Providing applied academic services in different areas for society.

- Inviting faculty members, researchers, and talented students and creating needful conditions and facilities as to provide an appropriate context for research activities based on the actual needs of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutes.

- Running official applied-scientific courses based on rules and regulations of higher education in Iran education.

- Expanding and extending local, regional, and international collaborations in the realm of IESPR's activities.


- Following classic academic methods, developing and disseminating scientific theories and science production in the areas of psychology, sociology, and education.

- Doing comparative studies at international level as to determining the macro strategies with a tendency towards localizing.

- Providing an appropriate context for empowering and improving general competencies of staff in different governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutes in line with the Islamic values and the actual needs of society through providing instructional packages.

- Using the last science products, optimally in the contents of educational programs for governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutes in accordance with the Islamic foundations and national needs.

- Internalizing the emergent thoughts from the results of academic research in the governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutes and holding the special research programs.

- Enhancing academic research skills through implementing new methods of virtual and non-virtual trainings.

- preparing high quality and dynamic postgraduates in IEPSR's interested areas and providing them for being successful in the local and international competitive markets.

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